A path to spiritual, personal growth



Discover how embracing the principles of muwasafat tarbiyah enhances personal integrity, community service, and alignment with divine guidance during Maal Hijrah (Awal Muharam), a time for reflection and renewal in the Islamic calendar.

Embracing Hijrah

“HIJRAH itu pengorbanan; Hijrah itu perjuangan; Hijrah itu persaudaraan; Hijrah membentuk perpaduan.” 

“Oleh itu mari semua; Kita sambut Maal Hijrah; Tingkatkan semangat tegakkan syiar Islam; Untuk sepanjang zaman.”

 The verses above will resonate on radio and television stations every time Maal Hijrah, or Awal Muharram, is observed. 

The word “hijrah” originates from the Arabic language, meaning to move to a new place, state, or nature. 

This signifies that a Muslim intending to make hijrah (emigrate) will leave behind unfavourable living conditions, a way of life at odds with Islamic teachings, or a career that goes against religious principles, seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.

Surah al-Baqarah verse 218 states, “Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah — those expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” 

As Allah explains and promises in the Quran, there are many benefits to performing hijrah in life that serve as inspiration. 

An article published in Harian Metro on August 4, 2023, quoted the deputy dean of student affairs at the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), noting that individuals who emigrate will receive rewards from Allah, find spacious place, and be guaranteed sustenance. Those who make the hijrah will benefit from greater things in this life and the afterlife without worry. 

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Additionally, those who emigrate will have their sins forgiven and be accepted into heaven due to their sacrifices (moving from the unbelievers to be with the believers for the sake of goodness). 

They are also guaranteed a large and multiplied reward and sustenance if they die during their hijrah. 

In the sight of Allah, those who perform hijrah will also be accorded a greater and higher status or position — even higher than those who provide water to the pilgrims undertaking Hajj.

Using muwasafat tarbiyah as guide

But how does one aim to emigrate in a more positive direction? What guidelines should they follow? 

The following 10 muwasafat tarbiyah, or standards, must be ingrained in a person for them to develop into exceptional Muslim personalities:

• Pure faith (salimul aqidah)

A Muslim who maintains a pure faith will have a close relationship with Allah and will not stray from His path. For instance, someone with a pure faith will not consult a fortune teller or seek assistance from someone who requests help from jinn.

• True worship (sahihul ibadah)

A Muslim must perform acts of worship that uplift his spirit and soul. He must also constantly rectify his behaviour, understand what is halal and haram, and always act moderately, not going too far in any area of his life.

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• Virtuous behaviour (matinul khuluq)

A Muslim should always act and think with virtuous behaviour in interactions with both Allah and His creations. This includes not being arrogant, having a stand, not cheating, not swearing, loving younger people, respecting older people, keeping promises, and keeping secrets.

• Independent (qodirun alal kasbi)

Even a wealthy Muslim needs to work, but they should not prioritise material possessions or rank in this earthly life. Besides that, every Muslim must acquire certain skills to avoid overly depending on others to solve their problems.

• Knowledgeable (mutsaqqaful fikri)

One of the key components of a Muslim’s character is their ability to think intelligently. The Messenger of Allah possessed this attribute (fatonah).

• Healthy body (qawwiyul jismi)

A physically strong Muslim can fully apply Islamic teachings thanks to his healthy body. Besides engaging in conflicts (in Allah’s way), Islamic practices such as prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj require a strong and healthy physique.

• Resistant to temptation (mujahadatun linafsihi)

One essential quality for a Muslim is the ability to resist temptation, as everyone has inclinations toward both good and evil. Seriousness is required to practice good tendencies and avoid bad ones. Consequently, it is necessary to align one’s desires with Islamic principles through discipline and dedication.

• Well-organised (munazhzhamun fi syuunihi)

The Quran and Sunnah highlight the importance of a Muslim’s personality in being organised in all matters.

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• Good time management (harishun ala waqtihi)

Time is ephemeral and never returns. Therefore, it is imperative for every Muslim to manage their time well to make the most of it and avoid wasting any. In a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim, Prophet Muhammad advised: “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death.”

• Beneficial to others (naafi’un lighoirihi)

It implies that due to his immense value, those in his immediate vicinity are aware of him wherever he is. To ensure that Muslims can continue contributing positively to society, they should always consider their options, make necessary preparations, and strive to be helpful in specific situations.

So, on this Awal Muharram, let us Muslims reflect on our own lives: Have we followed the right path, or have we strayed from it? If we have wandered, let us make hijrah to the path that pleases Allah. 

However, we must also remember that the challenge of hijrah lies not only in the initial stages but also in maintaining istiqamah (steadfastness on the right path). As my religious teacher once said, “Istiqamah is painful because heaven is beautiful.”

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