R-o-t-i factories



“The ultimate ignorance is rejection of something you know nothing about yet refuse to investigate.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer, American author

FACTORIES producing the religion of the ignorant (r-o-t-i) are sprouting and thriving everywhere with renewed vigour, vim and vitality. The awakened pray that this wilful and deliberate ignorance-seeking culture does not become a national malaise.

Thankfully the freedom of religion does not contemplate the religion of the ignorant (r-o-t-i). Atheism and agnosticism have better traction in their evidence-seeking and proof-searching efforts.

The failed education system is the sole recipient of the Public Enemy Number One (PENO) award. This r-o-t-i factory discourages mind-opening. What to study has replaced how to think. The shame and the blame cover a huge area of responsibility.

The rot has been around since John Dewey (1859-1952) postulated that man must react with the environment in order to adapt and learn. The emphasis shifted to how to pass written examinations. PENO took a tailspin.

Thomas Gray supposedly said that “where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” What he meant was that what you don’t know cannot hurt you. It was never meant to be otherwise. But PENO trains teachers to twist, turn, terrify and torture the truth.

“Beware of false knowledge; it’s more dangerous than ignorance,” warned George Bernard Shaw. PENO excels at this stroke of genius. Conscientious stupidity is the twin of sincere ignorance. 

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R-o-t-i factories have gained an insidious monopoly in government agencies, branches and corporations with a no-holds barred-no-punches-pulled mindset. The elite control everything.

China rose from the ashes of despondency, famine and the cultural revolution. Today, it has become a powerhouse. Its leaders criminalised ignorance. Everyone paid attention.

India’s dreadful caste system keeps it on the slippery slope of zero growth. Malaysia practises a system of political caste system that advances the r-o-t-i creed to greater heights and newer frontiers with a corresponding increase of fresh recruiting efforts.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. This axiom is unceremoniously heaped on potential litigants. Free classes for the masses hardly happen. Parliament, the Bar and the Bench should get ignorance imprisoned for life with no parole or pardon.

Plato’s “opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance”, should be a mind-opener. When you have an opinion, whether right or wrong, it certainly helps in ridding the garbage stored in the mind.

Politics, government and politicians make it their sole business to put blinkers on knowledge, and wear masks as if it is a pandemic. Voters invariably become bakers in this r-o-t-i factory.

The Holy Quran warns people of being ignorant (Surah 17:36 and 2:170) as does the Holy Bible (Hosea 4:6-8) that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, and that people are darkened in their understanding.

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Malaysians have strong inclinations to religious persuasions, and yet the government does very little to offer remedies and solutions based on religious texts. Instead, freedom of religion has become a mere platitude.

Why are we ignorant about stabilising the economy and creating more employment opportunities for all Malaysians despite Articles 8 and 153 Federal Constitution? Subsidies are like free education. They hurt, never help.

Why are we hell-bent on stoking race and religion to higher temperatures? Before 13 May 1969, everyone had a place under the Malaysian sun. After 1981, the regime monopolised the sun.

R-o-t-i factories are ready for the garbage bin if DYMM YDPA, the Conference of Rulers, Governors, Sarawak’s Premier, Sabah’s Chief Minister, and Menteris Besar take control and caretaking of government with a Council of Experts to instruct, correct and direct.

The Federal Constitution allows for such a contingency. A state of emergency happens when elected government is unable to perform and conform to established democratic principles. This will be a refreshing reform.

After all, our previous Agong and the Conference of Rulers stepped in and took charge when three failed governments pitted Executive endorsements against and over democratic elections. Executive Royalty rescued the emergency.  

It has not been tried before, but we must give this an opportunity. We are running out of options. Dictatorships with the backing of the military and the police will never happen in Malaysia. We must confront reality. Elected government has failed.

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Imagine 1MDB happening in Indonesia, India or the Philippines. There would have been violent riots accompanied by a storming of the Bastille. Malaysians react differently. Bodes well for change and reform fuelled by peaceful transition of power.

On the bright side, look at the savings in salaries, perks and all other wasteful and useless compensation packages paid to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Incompetents), although there will be mass unemployment for MPs and Excos.

DYMM YDPA and the Conference of Rulers will most certainly be able to stifle and discourage issues of race and religion. 4-R does not include royalty as Malaysians don’t condone lese majeste.

One former prime minister thought he could sit back and play Daedalus while instructing Icarus to refurbish Article 182 Federal Constitution in 1993. Rex non potest peccare (sovereign immunity) is yet to be on terra firma.

It’s the civic duty of every Malaysian to tear down every r-o-t-i factory in Malaysian society. This 5th R malaise has to go. It is not tough and rough when you have had enough.

We know that the rule of law is easily replaced by the political law of unwritten rules. Who gains? 

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of Sarawak Tribune.  

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