You are made of sterner, everlasting, refined — and of beautiful stuff:
Don’t ever forget that, nor dilute it
Either by forgetfulness, or just plain neglect
The world, doesn’t owe you anything
You’ll have to make hay yourself, and say:
Come rain or shine, I will have to work hard
For I am made of sterner, of more refined stuff
Yes, everyone does have a voice
But what makes the difference is this:
That whatever is said is worthwhile
And that it builds up, instead of destroying
Yes, things do happen in, or to our lives
All are just that — mere happenings and going ons
At our core, let us remain true to who we are: Not part of the phenomena around us
So look a bit further down the road:
Through all that is physical, and mortal
Seek the beyond — peeking into infinity
You are made up of firmer, more refined stuff
5.21 PM
July 15, 2024
Shah Alam, Selangor DE