Author: Datuk Beatrice Nirmala

Balancing progress and humanity

The term “Trojan horse” refers to deceptively benign computer codes that cause harm or steal personal information. Just as the ancient Greeks used a wooden horse to deceive Troy, we often rush into embracing technology without caution. While technology can improve our lives, we should be mindful of its consequences.

The Trojan Horse of technology

Motherhood is the strangest thing, it can be like being one’s own Trojan horse. — Rebecca West, British author Remember the story of the Trojan Horse? For the uninitiated, let me explain how this term came about and what it means. In the world of computing, a beginning in the

The plastic bag scam

Forget bottled water; tap water is just as good! Pour it into a reusable water bottle, and always have fresh water on the go without wasting plastic. – Ashlan Gorse Cousteau, American entertainment journalist. What I have been noticing over the last few years is that people fall for scams

Need to tread PADU very carefully

Our banking data will not be included in PADU database as the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) does not permit the use of such data by anyone. All data remains governed by the existing acts of the respective government departments or agencies. – Someone I know said

A collection of thoughts (Part 2)

Those who have cautiously done no more than they believed possible have never taken a single step forward. – Mikhail Bakunin, Russian revolutionary anarchist Angels “There are angels amongst us. They don’t have wings. They look just like us.But …they stand straighter than most of us. A ramrod backbone carved

A collection of thoughts

Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be. — John Wooden, American basketball player This week, we will do something different. You have had a four part series on Margret Thatcher for the last few weeks, let’s do a collections of shorts ideation by me for this week. International

The lady was not for turning (Part 5)

No one can ever question whether women are capable of single-minded vigour, of efficient leadership, after Margaret Thatcher. She is the great unsung heroine of British feminism. – Natasha Walker, in her book The New Feminism Margaret Thatcher said once, “Too many people have been given to understand that if

The lady was not for turning (Part 4)

I fight on. I fight to win. – Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990  After its formation in 1948, the National Health System (NHS) ran into difficulties as the funding did not keep pace with the rising costs and public expectations. The proportion of

The lady was not for turning (Part 3)

I’ve got a woman’s ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves it. – Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 In October 1986, the Thatcher government instituted reforms to the banking and financial industries,

The lady was not for turning (Part 2)

I love argument, I love debate. I don’t expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that’s not their job.  – Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990  The blow by IMF in 1976 was perfect timing for the ambitious grocer’s daughter with