Author: Medecci Lineil

Pay Gap: Just accept that men and women are different

My claim is I’m more worried than you about gender pay gap. And that’s even if you’re one of the women complaining about it. You see we’re in the middle of a collective delusion with people simply not willing to even try and understand what is going on. In the

What now for troubled MAS?

There is an interesting suggestion that Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad would like to shut down, bail out or sell off Malaysia Airlines (MAS). The correct question here is not why you would sell MAS off but why wouldn’t you? The national carrier loses huge amounts of money, has

Lesson on happiness in life from World Happiness Report   

The World Happiness Report 2019 is now out and I have to admit to always liking this report which is co-edited by Professor Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs. According to the report, Malaysia is ranked the 80th happiest nation, a massive drop of 45 places compared with 2018 when we

We need more housing so it will be affordable

If something is too expensive for people to be able to afford it there are two easy solutions at hand. The first is that those people simply do not get whatever it is. I am fortunate in my work and my income but BMW is still well out of reach;

We really don’t know very much, certainly impossible to plan

There are a lot of opinions going around about the latest set-up by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the National Economic Action Council (NEAC). There’s one little part of it that is of specific interest to me as it has a relevant connection to classic Hayek. And I intend

Doing well but could be better

It is always worrying when governments and academics raise a hue and cry about how inequality is rising and something or anything must be done to stop it. This is the idea behind the news headline “Outwardly rich, inwardly poor” in a local paper recently. Well, I read and thought,

Marijuana is just a business just like any other

The drugs business has certain significant characteristics. The illegality is an obvious starting point and disputes between the players are settled with violence, not lawyers. As several news reports recently show, marijuana business seems to be much like any other business. And so we have several groups and politicians including

Who needs the Opec with its heydays over?

Opec has managed to come to agreement to extend cuts in production quotas among its various members. Those who are not formal members such as Malaysia also joined in the cuts for the next six months which ends in June this year. This brings us to a statement issued by

A futures market to manage fruit glut

There was a piece up over at The Star on Jan 15, which Philip Wong of the Sarawak Institute for Public Affairs had an interesting view about how abundance and excesses of fruits from durians to rambutans, langsat, mangosteen and bananas, somehow, is not efficiently managed and distributed thus how