Author: Dr Navin C Naidu

The dustbin of history

Pitiful, isolated, bankrupt individuals, go where you belong from now on into the dustbin of history. – Leon Trotsky, Marxist revolutionary The stench from the dustbin of history of the British Empire will be unbearable if there is validity concerning King Edward IV’s (1442-1483) illegitimate birth and, thus the illegitimacy

Undi18: Birth pains or electoral gains?

Nattering nabobs of negativity predict and prophesy about the effects, side-effects and after-effects of granting Undi18 rights. This became a national talking point when five youths filed a petition in court questioning the government’s delay in implementing the law passed on July 16, 2019 that lowered the minimum age of

Reform, not deform

All great reforms require one to dare a lot to win a little. — William L. O’Neill, American historian It is widely held that the Donald Trump presidency became necessary because the voters were sick and tired of the tried and tested politics that called the shots for hundreds of

A marketplace of ideas

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. —  Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., former Associate Justice of US Supreme Court Being a rationale for freedom of expression, debate and discourse, the marketplace of ideas is a perpetually robust laboratory where mankind’s philosophical and technological expectations

Constitutional rupture, repair & rapture

The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. – Thomas Sowell, American economist While the Americans are said to be champions of civil liberties and fundamental rights, lawyers familiar with the “constitutional avoidance” doctrine know how their judges take shelter behind it if not motivated to lock horns

Constitutionalism: arising or erasing?

Liberty lies in the hearts of the people; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court, can save it. — Learned Hand, American appellate judge. The UK, Saudi Arabia, Canada, New Zealand and Israel function with “uncodified or unwritten constitutions.” The Westminster subtleties of government authority and citizens’

Exiting the darkness

But stars cannot shine without darkness. — Anon The unknown, the unknowable and, by extension, total ignorance, repose in darkness as a choice. In politics, the unknown and unknowable are legislatively protected and placated by the Official Secrets Act, oaths of secrecy and secret verbal covenants. Governments use it very effectively


Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of debate, discussion and dissent. — Humbert H Humphrey, former US Vice-President Dissent essentially engages the act of voicing opposition to policies or programmes offered by the government in power. It is not a platform to condemn or criticise, but dissent is to

Puerile politics

Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. – Henry Kissinger, former American National Security Advisor Julius Evola, the Italian philosopher, captured the essence of puerile politics that assail voters’ sensibilities: “Americans do not think, yet they are puerile and primitive, and thus open to

Mitigating menaces

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. – Thomas Jefferson, third US President Reported history for the purposes of developmental political science accepts the fact that the politics of government in nation states began with the Peace of Westphalia