Balancing Roles and Responsibilities



Rachel Ang shares her journey as a mother to three young children while juggling her businesses and social life, discussing the integration between everything and motherhood, and how life has changed for her since becoming a mother.

The Journey of Motherhood: Triumphs, challenges, and gratitude

As mothers of the 21st century, it is a norm to be juggling the whole world at once. Holding onto the traditional role as mothers and house managers, women learned to stretch their boundaries and wear more hats. One such mother is Rachel Ang, the mother of three children and co-founder of Billy Goat Coffee and Reet Petite Candles. She has just the world to carry.

Having to juggle the many hats, Ang conceded that “being a mother of three, running a business, and having a social life is a project.”

Ang and her mother, who inspired her to be who she is today.

Nonetheless, to the 33-year-old, being a mother has always been a dream of hers.

“I wanted to be a mum all my life.”

Sharing further, Ang said that she was greatly inspired by her own mother, who had modelled a wholesome picture of motherhood.

“She was a businesswoman too, but she is happiest and most purposeful as a mother. The most supportive and honouring wife there ever was. My dad is a lucky man, and he speaks highly of her.”

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What she loved about her mother was her ability to do a lot without compromising her womanhood.

“She was always well put together and carried herself very well. To know her is to love her; her gentle strength can move any heart.”

And when it was Ang’s time to become a mother in 2019, she expressed that nobody prepares a woman to lose and find themselves the way they do when they become a mother.

“You watch your old self deconstruct before your very own eyes. My daughter taught me so much, and I’m always mesmerised by life through the eyes of a child.”

With her first child, Ang felt that her priorities shifted as she channelled her energy to try to become the best version of herself to raise the children. Just like her own mother, Ang hopes to be a good role model with a peaceful heart and courage larger than life.

Beyond the challenges

Having co-founded Billy Goat Coffee with her husband, Ang shared that she steers the business through dreams and creativity. Meanwhile, her husband works in different aspects of the business, such as brewing the coffee and baking the goods. Despite the schedules, the husband-wife duo loves taking their kids along for the ride with them.

“The integration of work into life, and kids into work is a norm for us. Though it’s hard, it has worked out to be very sustainable for us; the kids are aware of how much work we put into everything, and they are grateful. We also enjoy watching them pick up skills and etiquettes from just observing,” said the entrepreneur.

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Beyond the challenges, Ang continues. With family being her greatest support, she also aims to be a role model to her kids, to show them that life does not end with motherhood. To her, her children are her greatest inspiration to keep working on herself and reach for the stars.

“No sugarcoating — juggling comes with ups and downs. Living up to expectations, especially the ones I have for myself, can be hard, but I’m slowly learning to move with grace and not be so hard on myself.”

Nevertheless, Ang learns never to complain and nitpick about the difficulties. Expanding on this, she said that complaining steals the joy and strength of an individual.

“Everything I do, I think of the kids. How can I give them a good life, to inspire them to live a life of power? One that is not wasted.”

With the world being her oyster, Ang believes that every woman can be a mother and still be whatever they want to be, in any way they want it to be. With that, she hopes that every mum is the happiest, most confident, and most complete version of themselves.

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“May they flourish in all seasons, including the season of motherhood. And may the children add life to life.”

Sharing her tips on how she juggles her time as a working mum, Ang said the following:

  • Let it sink in that you are replaceable anywhere except your home. Decide your priorities carefully.
  • Work from order — methods, systems and boundaries will help you win time.
  • Plan your rest. There will always be something to do, but the rest doesn’t come by unless you plan it.
  • Count your blessings. A grateful person is a happy person. And a happy person is strong.

With that said, Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!   

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