Category: Column

Price hike on imported white rice

‘If you give me rice, I’ll eat today; if you teach me how to grow rice, I’ll eat every day.’ — Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist,

Judging the judges

 Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.  – Will Rogers, American actor In most political establishments, judges are

Roots and wings: airport chronicles

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me,” – Ayn Rand, 1905-1982, American writer. Ever had that

A Malaysia reborn

We must sink or swim together. When I’m in trouble, you help me, when you are in trouble, we help you. This is what the

Johoreans halt the green wave

I presume the green wave will only occur in areas where the majority of the voters, 70 per cent and above, are Malays. – Dr

Responsible tourism

Sarawak has big aspirations for its world class tourism industry By 2030, it aims to become a leading destination for ecotourism and business in the

The luxury of print

If you drop a book into the toilet, you can fish it out, dry it off and read that book. But if you drop your