Category: Forum

Nature’s melodies on Mount Singai

AMID the majestic beauty in and around the Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre (CMPC) on Mount Singai, a journey to conquer the heights of nature unfolds

Transformative rise of veganism

“It’s not a requirement to eat animals, we just chose to do it, so it becomes a moral choice and one that is having a

Exploring the gift of life senses

AS the first week of January 2024 approaches, I am filled with excitement and gratitude as I begin a new chapter in my writing journey.

The year that was and will be

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others – Pericles, (l. 495–429

Tech Displacement Levy: Shaping Future Labour

The upcoming fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0) such as automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are being actively used

The best Christmas gift ever

“Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in’.” – Ronald Reagan, (1911-2004), the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to