Category: Forum

What the models say

‘The poll that matters is the one that happens on Election Day.’ Heather Wilson, a Republican Party leader I was savouring a delightful pea –

Exploring diverse flavours

AS I sit here in quiet ambience of my room, listening to the church bells ringing softly at 6 am, I can’t help but feel

Hooked on a feeling

I’VE never been much of a gamer. Anything that demands more than a minute of my feeble attention span gets tossed aside for the next

All we do is give

There’s a saying in Malay: “The hand that gives is better than the one that takes”. It highlights the value of generosity and what blessing

The idiot who wasn’t

Grown-up people do not know that a child can give exceedingly good advice even in the most difficult case. A fool with a heart and

The hidden power of our senses

“The world needs all types of minds, and sensory experiences are the windows through which we explore, learn, and contribute our unique perspectives.“ Temple Grandin (1947-Present);

The star of my window

I never thought that giving a silly name to the spider outside my room window would create affection for an eight-legged creature that, in another