MUKAH: Flower pot containers have been identified as among the most common breeding grounds for the Aedes mosquito, said Mukah Division Health Office (PKBM) representative Phua Ah Peng in a ‘gotong-royong’ (work party) event here on Sunday.
“The most important thing now is to keep your house compound clean. Aedes mosquitoes breed in clear stagnant water. Potential breeding grounds are flower pots, water tanks, refrigerator trays, septic tanks, polystyrene food containers, water containers, saucers, flower vases, old tyres, bottles and tins,” he said.
Therefore, he advised the residents here to continue to give priority attention to keeping their house compounds clean and free from being breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes.
“There is no need to wait for ‘gotong-royong’ as you can do it by yourself. Just spend about 10 minutes a day to clear stagnant water within our home compound and discard items that can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes,” Phua pointed out.
The programme which was organised by Health Ministry through Mukah Division Health Department in collaboration with Taman King Sum and Hung Liong Area Neighbourhood Watch Committee has attracted some 100 participants from the area.