By Abidgail Merta Ganggang
Book title: Pioneers’ Narratives (Cerita Perintis)
ISBN: 978-967-0054-07-0
Author: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Publisher: UNIMAS Publisher
Publication Year: 2022
Pioneers’ Narratives is a collection of histories, narrations, anecdotes, reflections, short stories and accounts of staff who were involved in getting the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) up and running more than two decades ago.
All eight chapters recapping the historical moments from 1993 until now are nostalgic and meaningful to every soul that has contributed to the university.
This book depicts everything from their first year to becoming Sarawak’s first university, tagline, leading scholars, logo and identity, anthem, infrastructure, convocation, quinquennial images, and batch of students.
UNIMAS became the eighth university to be established in Malaysia and was incorporated officially on Dec 24, 1992, and with about thirty academic staff, the university opened its doors to the first batch of 118 students on Aug 8, 1993.
The university made excellent use of photographs to complement the narratives and bring the memoir back to life again.
The preservation of the magazine’s format is a very important factor for researchers and readers as it maintains the intended structure, style and visual content of the publication.
Some of the photos could have been restored properly so they can insert a better quality for readers, but it does not change the fact that the tales are beautifully described by the writers.
Each issue of this book revolves around a specific theme, with the most detailed information focusing on experiences, events, accomplishments and fond memories of the staff and students.
The articles with contributions from professors, research fellows and experts in the field, often discuss the latest scholarship.
The entries are generally one to two paragraphs long and serve as informative and accessible introductions to the topic.
These short articles are supplemented with suggestions for further reading, making the magazine a great starting point for introductory learning.
Chapter 7, Students Life, is a chapter that I am able to relate to because of the challenges that we faced as students, especially those who are away from their families. Things change from time to time, but we all know it’s not always easy.
I can’t picture the mixed feelings of being one of the first batch of students to enrol at the university in 1993, and I believe that every step of their journey has taught them a life lesson that has made them an outstanding person now.
Using the same cover as the Tree Book, which is a canopy of a tualang tree, makes the readers excited to learn about the journey of UNIMAS.
It shows how well the university has grown, and the branches signify the sacrifice, solidarity, and determination that first brought them together during UNIMAS’ most difficult times.
I am glad that the varsity’s founding vice-chancellor, Datuk Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail, who served for eight years (1992 to 2000), intended to bring the maestros together in the early days of UNIMAS.
There are so many untold and unshared UNIMAS stories I had never heard of until I read about the pioneering university’s sweat and tears, as well as its ups and downs.
Everyone of all ages should read this because the history of UNIMAS is also part of the history of Sarawak.