MIRI: A book entitled “A Community Doctor in Miri” by former Miri Divisional Health officer, Dr Faizul Mansoor will be launch on June 9 at Pustaka Miri.
This was revealed by Dr Faizul at a simple press conference held yesterday morning. The launching will kick off at 9am and guests of honour like Telang Usan State Assemblyman, Dennis Ngau and Piasau State Assemblyman, Dato Sebastian Ting were also invited.
The book contains 20 chapters and 318 pages and features original photographs taken by Faizul himself during 31 years of working in Sarawak.
A total 40 copies will be available up for grab at a special price during the launching day.
“The book documents my journey back in 1983 when I was first came to Sarawak until my retirement on December 2014,” said Faizul.
“I was fortunate to be able to work in Sarawak for 31 years (Miri, and a few years in Sibu and Kuching). I saw Miri changing from a laid back coastal town to the present beautiful city it is today,” he added.
Faizul said, he has detailed about the events happening in all the areas throughout Miri town, Marudi, Long Lama, Bekenu, Niah and even the interior of Baram.
“I also saw how my staff mature into adults while working in challenging conditions that included living in conditions where generators provide electricity, water supply from the hills or river, transportation difficulties especially when transporting cum escorting patients and also the need for certain people like the boatmen to reach the most difficult areas in order to provide health service”, he explained.
It took Faizul two years to write and compile contents for the book, which gives an insight about the working life of a doctor in hospital as well public health sectors.