Malaysian C-O-K-E



If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, does knowledge corrupt?
– James Moore, Canadian politician

Malaysian C-O-K-E (Corruption of Knowledge Endures) is a self-inflicted wound with a common pool of perpetrators and adherents sharing culpability. Compunction, conscience, care and caution are scattered to the winds by these sadomasochists.

James Moore was able to see how a positive can be dangerously entwined with adversity and negativity in the wrong hands. Almost akin to referring to darkness as an absence of light as if darkness was the original plan.

Dehumanising knowledge is wilfully nourished when practising without believing, or believing without practising, become synonymous. This is the ideal where the narrative is controlled by Big Brother.

Malaysia’s Public Enemy Number One is the usual guilt-bearing element that morphed from suspect to culprit. Instead of preparing students for the future, the system teaches students how to pass annual written examinations.

The greatest insult to the sanctity of knowledge is supremely visible in Article 8(2) (Equality) of the Federal Constitution. It’s plain language states that all discrimination is unconstitutional unless it is explicitly permitted by it!

No greater corruption of knowledge endures as nourished by dishonest government. Even if a law like the Honest Services Act is passed, our system of governance is cleverly designed and morbidly structured to sidestep the minefield of temptation to embrace corruption as a way of life.

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The voting public are seldom aware of their rights as denizens and citizens. Their nine fundamental liberties are eclipsed by the other 174 Articles and 13 Schedules of the Federal Constitution that justify Big Brother in philosopher’s robes.

Alexander Pope’s couplet makes perfect sense:
“For forms of government let fools contest
What’er is best administer’d is best.”

Elected politicians must awaken every day to a new motivation and purpose. They should not attempt to confuse purpose for reason. The enhancement of knowledge has to become a national priority like national security and national unity.

The C-O-K-E mentality promotes and propagates the usual anti-social behaviour by misguided politicians and their supporters. Genuine leadership will inculcate a society with a rapacious appetite for ideas. Knowledge capital is priceless.

Where will Malaysia be, say in 25 years (one generation)? Will we recycle old politicians with their self-imposed lacklustre arcane ideas, or begin creating a new genre of leaders?

Young Malaysians must shift their I-phone fatality-mentality into a productive endeavour. This is where a responsible social organisation can become meaningful and fruitful. Can’t wait for government to act, interact or react.

Malaysia should not become the breeding ground for gutter politics where societal division is carefully calibrated, calculated and circulated like an innocuous lethal political cocktail.

What has Malaysia to lose as a knowledge-based economy? Why do we need imported think-tank fillers pretending to be experts? Do we lack local talent? I can name at least six Malaysians who will be able to take this nation into a meaningful political trajectory.

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Malaysia’s PISA (Performance for International Assessment) Score is like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. So dismally bent that PMX sounds like Kamala Harris in evading and sidestepping relevant questions with meaningless rhetoric.

If I ask you the time, please don’t tell me where the chronometer was manufactured, and how long it took the watchmaker to produce one timepiece. Answer the question.

It’s no secret that Malaysia’s politics is dampening overdue education reforms. The government seems adamant. It will encourage expensive private education but insanely control free public education. Dissent and disagreement mean nothing to the law-givers and law enforcers.

The Reid Commissioners, reportedly learned in the law, defied all the accepted and endorsed ancient revelations from holy writs, morals, ethics, customs amd mores relating to fundamental liberties.

As if Article 8 needed a bigger nail, Article 153 was inked as an afterthought to soften the blow: “… and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article.”

Malaysian C-O-K-E is surreptitiously included in some pre- and post-Merdeka doublethink and double-speak enactments, ordinances and laws. Article 8(2) Federal Constitution completes the total breakdown of democracy, decency and dignity in matters of equality.

Article 8 (Equality) is redundant and a misnomer robed in constitutional attire. It’s not part of the supreme law of the land. It’s an extreme position of a flawed written constitution.

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Quote: “Everyone is born equal and will die equal. He will judge every person on the basis of merits and deeds. In the Holy Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13, it reads, “O mankind we have created you from one male and female and made you into nations and the tribes that you may know one another.” Unquote.

One can safely say that this Holy Injunction trumps Article 8, Federal Constitution. In this context, Iki Putra Mubarrak v Govt of Selangor [2021] FC wrought a perfect storm of an antinomy when constitutional freedom of religion took on two convoluted meanings.

Malaysian C-O-K-E became painfully applicable in Beatrice a/p AT Fernandez v Sistem Penerbangan Malaysia & Ors [2005] where Article 8 (Equality) Federal Constitution was deemed inapplicable in the private sector!!

Law reform blinks the Nelson’s eye to many pressing issues. Is the nation supposed to prosper and progress as a bastion of inequality? Fig leaves and blinkers must come off if nationhood means anything anymore.

We may soon need the MELA (Malaysian Executive Leadership Academy) to reset democracy and right the perennial wrongs.

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of Sarawak Tribune.

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