Minister denounces false claims on harmony

Minister of National Unity, Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang.


KUALA LUMPUR: The Minister of National Unity, Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang, expressed deep regret over the accusations and slander made by Che GuBard regarding the Committee for Harmony between Religious Practitioners (JK HARMONI).

Che GuBard wrongly claimed that JK HARMONI was pushing a religious pluralism agenda under the government.

“These accusations are way off the mark and completely false. The previous government approved the formation of the Committee for Harmony between Religious Practitioners (JK HARMONI) during a Cabinet meeting on 14 August 2020,” he stated today.

“This committee is the government’s sole platform to connect Islamic and non-Islamic religious groups, facilitating discussions that benefit society and the nation,” he added.

The committee’s main roles include suggesting strategies based on religious values to promote understanding and harmony among different faiths, as well as organising activities to foster unity among religious practitioners for societal well-being.

JK HARMONI convenes twice a year, co-led by the Minister of National Unity and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs).

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Its members include representatives from various government bodies, including Muslim and non-Muslim representatives, who aim to promote inter-religious harmony in Malaysia.

Under JK HARMONI, three bureaus operate to manage programmes, education, and information dissemination, and handle issues and mediation to enhance interfaith understanding and cooperation.

Furthermore, Che GuBard falsely suggested that the Neighborhood Watch (KRT) members participating in the Harmoni MADANI programme engaged in ritual activities at non-Islamic places of worship (RISI) to equate them with Islam.

“I want to stress that the Jejak Harmoni Programme, part of the Harmoni MADANI Initiative, does not interfere with the beliefs or rituals of any religion,” he clarified.

The programme aims to promote unity, understanding, and universal values across religions, fostering solidarity among Malaysians from diverse backgrounds.

The Harmoni MADANI Initiative promotes national integration through the principles of Understanding, Respecting, and Accepting differences, ensuring harmony among communities.
The 2022 National Unity Index (IPNas) scored 0.629, indicating a moderate level of national unity.

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The IPNas study identifies ten social deficits, including ethnicity, religion, social class, education, language, generation gap, gender, federal politics, urban-rural divide, and media. Religion stands out due to misunderstandings hindering societal cohesion.

To address these challenges, the Ministry of National Unity collaborates with JAKIM to prioritize harmony among religious groups.

JK HARMONI recently endorsed the Malaysia Harmony Charter to promote unity and harmony, comprising principles, values, guidelines, and directions to strengthen relationships across races, religions, and cultures.

This charter aligns with the Malaysia MADANI vision for national prosperity.

“Instilling the values of Understanding, Respecting, and Accepting in society is vital to preserving our nation’s harmony and unity,” he emphasised.

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