Placing Sarawak on global map as SEA Games co-host

Sarawak SUKMA contingent marching in (photo by UKAS)



AS Malaysia has agreed to accept the offer from the Southeast Asian Games Federation (SEAGF) to host 2027 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim gave a nod to designate Sarawak as a co-host of the regional sporting event.

Anwar and Abang Johari during the closing ceremony.

This has made Sarawak’s ambition to become a premier sports hub to reach an exciting new chapter.

The monumental responsibility, shared with the federal government, marks a significant milestone in Sarawak’s sports development journey, which has been gaining momentum in recent years.

Moreover, following the successful organisation of the 21st Malaysia Games (SUKMA), it has further secured Sarawak’s position as a capable and dynamic host for such a prestigious international event.

During the closing ceremony of SUKMA at the Indoor Stadium in Petra Jaya, Kuching, Anwar underscored the confidence that the federal government has in Sarawak’s ability to deliver.

“On behalf of the Malaysian government, I agree for Sarawak to co-host the 2027 SEA Games with the Malaysian government.

“Sarawak has excellent infrastructure and a strong team, with Youth and Sports Minister (KBS) Hannah Yeoh and Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Hamzah leading a dedicated and committed team that has demonstrated outstanding preparation.

Abdul Karim Photo: Alif Noni

“So, there should be no difficulty in hosting the SEA Games. I am confident that you all can execute it successfully,” he said.

With the federal government’s backing and immediate preparations underway, Sarawak is set to embark on an extensive journey to ensure the 2027 SEA Games is a resounding success.

As such, Abdul Karim said Sarawak has identified a total of 18 types of events that will be held in the state.

“There are 36 sports events, 18 of which have been proposed in Sarawak but have not been finalised. We have chosen the sports we want to (organise) based on the existing facilities here,” he said.

In addition to this, he also said that a proposal for the SEA Games opening ceremony to be held in the state capital has also been presented to the federal Cabinet for a decision.

“And if it is a yes, then it will represent a shift from the norm, where the SEA Games are typically centred in Kuala Lumpur. On our side, we (Sarawak) can confirm that Kuching has been earmarked to host the opening ceremony as emphasised by the Premier.

“However, the closing ceremony remains flexible and could be held in Kuala Lumpur or another location deemed suitable by the KBS,” he said.

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MSN on board with Sarawak as co-host

Following the announcement made by Anwar, the National Sports Council (MSN) expressed its favour towards the government’s decision to allow Sarawak to co-host the SEA Games.

Anwar Ibrahim Photo: UKAS

MSN director-general Abdul Rashid Yaakub pointed out that for the time being some of the existing facilities in Sarawak are at the best level for the hosting of international games while there are also some that need to be improved.

“Perhaps some of the facilities (in Sarawak) we need to look at again may need a little improvement or upgrading, but it doesn’t seem to require a lot of cost because of the availability of the facilities,” he said.

No issue in funds

While welcoming the decision for Malaysia to be the host of 2027 SEA Games, it was reported that Sarawak has offered to contribute about 50 per cent of the total estimated cost of organising the SEA Games.

According to Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, hosting the SEA Games is expected to cost the federal government an estimated RM750 million.

Abang Johari Photo: UKAS

“Meaning, we will share half of the cost in 2027 based on our ability. Therefore, we have allocated RM350 million for the SEA Games, and I hope to see Sarawakian athletes compete and gain international recognition, surpassing the level of ‘kampung champion’,” he said.

Following this, he emphasised Sarawak’s readiness to host major events despite the high costs involved.

“Sarawak is recognised today for its willingness to host events. While other states might hesitate, we step up because we have a government with a ‘you challenge us, we challenge you back’ spirit.

“Despite the high costs, we work hard to fund these initiatives for the benefit of Sarawak,” he said.

A landmark opportunity for Sarawak

As Sarawak gears up to co-host the 2027 SEA Games, sports analysts view this moment as a landmark opportunity for the state to solidify its status as a regional sports powerhouse.

Sports analyst Datuk Pekan Rami highlighted that Sarawak’s successful organisation of the 21st SUKMA has laid a strong foundation, proving the state’s capability to manage large-scale sporting events.

According to him, the Sarawak government gave a tremendous response and showed their high interest in the offer to co-host.

“As co-hosting the Games is also in line with the youth development agenda as stated in the Post COVID-19 Development Strategy (PCDS 2030), there is no doubt that this is a golden opportunity for Sarawak to highlight the image and authority of the people of this state in managing the organisation of mega events and international sports games,” he said.

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In stating this, he expressed his hope that this monumental step will bring a positive impact on the sports ecosystem of the local population in Sarawak, especially in the context of interest and passion for sports, producing more talents in sports as well as increasing the level of activity in organising sports events in Sarawak.

“I am confident and certain that the aspect of sports development in this state will continue to increase, especially with the presence of local sports infrastructure that is still in good condition and new to use.

“This will definitely contribute to the aura and bring positive effects in this aspect as a whole for at least in the next ten years ahead,” he said.

Futhermore, with the just concluded SUKMA, he pointed out that the experience of the organisation could be a learning process for Sarawak.

“That is why, the organisation of a mega-status sports event for the Sarawak sports community is believed to be more robust from every aspect of organising and preparations for any sporting event,” he said.

Future prospects from organising SEA Games

For major events such as SEA Games, it is expected that the organisation will leave behind various legacies in the development of sports in Sarawak.

Pekan stated that one of the legacies would be the development of high-performance sports in this state towards producing more great state athletes from various corners of the state.

“It is really high time for Sarawak to produce more athletes like Bryan Nickson Lomas, Datuk Pandelela Rinong, and Johan Ghazali.

“At the same time, through the experience of organising international sports events, Sarawak must be able to produce more sports officials, referees and international sports technical officers,” he said.

He also expressed his hopes that the organisation will be another new added value for Sarawak to be better known as a destination for organising various national and international sports events or tournaments.

Economic benefits

Touching on the economic benefits for the state, Pekan predicted that Sarawak will receive a short and long term benefit from being the co-host.

Through the long term economic benefits, he said, Sarawak’s reputation will be enhanced as one of the developing states or regions in Malaysia with the development prospects to expand, grow, and become an attractive investment destination through its ability to highlight its capabilities in organising large and international sports events.

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“While for short-term economic benefit, there will definitely be a drastic increase in the number of tourists to Sarawak during the Games, especially with the presence of thousands of athletes and officials or contingents from eleven Southeast Asian countries that are participating in SEA Games,” he said.

While pointing out potentials of bringing economic benefits to the state, Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Deputy Minister Datuk Snowdan Lawan said that being part of hosting the Games is enhancing its declaration aiming to become a developed region by 2030.

Snowdan (photo by Ghazali Bujang)

He stated that co-hosting the Games has the potential to attract both domestic and foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the long run.

“Our sovereign wealth fund portfolio will be in the spotlight that will yield positive returns while also proving that Sarawak has the ability to organise and fund international events.

“A success story achieved from organising this SEA Games will be a stepping stone to bid for bigger international sports events in the future,” he lauded.

Following this, Snowdan also said that officials and sports tourism would expect direct impact in receivables because it entails frequent visits, meeting or seminars involving delegates from other participating foreign countries prior to the actual event itself.

“Our airline due to be launched soon will have the opportunity to become an official airline by then.

“Shortfalls in our sport infrastructures such as flight and internet connectivity will be developed further riding on the findings from the 21st SUKMA.”

In light of this, he commented that the RM350 million which Sarawak commits to co-host and organise the Games would have significant effects on sports infrastructures like upgrading of stadium, sport complexes, or state of the art equipment facilities in each division where the sports event takes place.

“The spinoff effects will be felt by the local community in the hotel, transportation, entertainment, catering and logistics sectors.

“Athletes and officials and the media who came to the SEA Games will automatically become our ‘ambassadors’ spreading the beauty and uniqueness of our state.

“That helps to promote Sarawak on the global atlas,” he said.

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