Raft race brings real development to rural community: Kapit MP

Nanta and Nyabong officiating at the flag-off at the second transit station at Rumah Ekau.


KAPIT: Kapit MP Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi officiated at the flag-off of the 24th edition of the Baleh Kapit Raft Safari on the race’s second day at Rumah Ekau, Nanga Mujong, Baleh last Sunday morning.

Speaking at a meet-the-people session later in the evening, Nanta said the competition had brought tangible changes in the development of the rural community while providing a venue for community leaders to meet and foster rapport among themselves towards the development of their subordinates while on the other hand to take part in the competition and visit each other’s place.

Nanta and Nyabong officiating at the flag-off at the second transit station at Rumah Ekau.

Nanta pointed out that the race was one of the events to attract tourists to the division.

“Our aim is to promote tourists to come to the rural areas. It is through this competition that we can attract people to come to the longhouses. It depends now on the longhouse community to take the opportunity to create business to generate income.

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One of the rafts that took part in the Best Decorated Raft category.

“Each time during the competition, we see outside people coming over to trade in Kapit and other areas in Kapit town over the race period. This opportunity is created by the government to teach the people to take part in business,” said Nanta.

On politics, Nanta called on the people to rally behind the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government that focuses on the rights of Sarawakians to rule Sarawak in the coming general election.

Galong (left) presenting a souvenir to Nanta.

“Let us be united together to safeguard our own rights as Sarawakians. In the next election, we are no longer using the BN symbol. GPS will be using the hornbill symbol that signifies the people of Sarawak that is acceptable by all.”

On development, Nanta said, “Certain quarters put the blame on Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg for neglecting the development of rural areas. The chief minister during his visit to Kapit in 2017 announced several mega projects for Kapit which are now in the various stages of construction such as the Kapit Town Square, Song, Belaga and Kapit Waterfront development projects.”

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Nanta (centre) with VIP guests and organising committee members after the flag-off.

In addition he said, the chief minister approved the setting up of the Upper Rajang Development Agency to spearhead the development of rural areas in the upper Rajang areas.

At the function, Nanta also announced a grant of RM15,000 to the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) of Rumah Ekau.

Present also were Hulu Rajang MP Datuk Wilson Ugak Kumbong and his wife Datin Leyta Kupa, Pelagus assemblyman Wilson Nyabong Ijang, Deputy Resident Galong Luang, Bukit Mabong district officer Douglas Pungga, Walikota of Kapit District Council Datuk Philimon Nuing, heads of various government departments, community leaders and some 800 guests, longhouse folks and race participants.

On the second and final day, the first raft to arrive at the finish point at the Kapit Express Passenger Terminal was PBB Sarawak in the Men’s Bamboo Closed category. The last raft to arrive was MIDT-LSS.

The first paddle boat team to arrive was Lakin Belaga followed by Dewan Surah Kapit.

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Nanta presenting a prize to one of the winners of the fishing competition.

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