KAPIT: Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi who is also Kapit MP attended a meeting on the Focus Group Development in Song District, recently.
The meeting was chaired by Song District Officer Jacklyn August who is also chairman of the Focus Group Development in Song District.
The meeting was also attended by all heads of departments and agencies from both State and Federal in Song district.
Speaking to a press after the meeting, Nanta said that he came to attend the Song District Focus Group Development meeting to discuss many issues pertaining to the implementation of certain government projects especially projects that have direct connection to the needs of the rural populace.
“There are some projects such as housing aid, roads and of course ‘Bantuan 1 AZAM’. These projects were discussed in depth. It was a good meeting because the community leaders and also the relevant departments were also involved in the meeting. There were a lot of issues that needed to be thrashed out so that the projects can be implemented smoothly and understood by the people,” he explained.
Nanta also have an opportunity to attend another meeting with the heads of departments in Song District where each of them produced a report on the progress and implementation of various programmes and projects.
He also presented grants totalling RM30,000 to four bodies namely RM15,000 to Kelab BOMBA Sukarela Daerah Song, SABERKAS Katibas Branch (RM5,000), Kelab Rekreasi PPD (police) Song (RM5,000) and RM5,000 to the Women’s Bureau of Rumah Japok, Nanga Senyaru, Sungai Musah, Katibas.
In the afternoon, he had lunch with BN supporters and later officially declared opening Kapit Parliamentary Service Centre in Song which was attended by hundreds of BN supporters.
Also present at the meeting were a Political Secretary to the Chief Minister, Tapah Ata, heads of departments and agencies and local community leaders.