KUCHING: Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) provided aid to the victims of Monday’s longhouse fire in Uma Bakung, Belaga, which destroyed 40 units of the dwelling and left 340 people homeless. The corporation gave food and clothing to the residents who are putting up at a church or with their relatives.
Uma Bakung is located about 20km from the Sungai Asap Bakun Resettlement Scheme on the main road leading to the Bakun HEP and was established when the hydropower project opened up infrastructure and road development in the area. Sarawak Energy corporate social responsibility and sustainability general manager Jiwari Abdullah said : “ While Uma Bakung is not part of the 15 communities directly affected by the hydropower project, we believe in being a good neighbour to communities near our major installations and operations.”
Sarawak Energy sponsored a fully equipped fire-fighting vehicle to replace the older vehicle of the Sungai Asap Firefighter Volunteers Association. Sarawak Energy corporate services executive vice president Aisah Eden stated Sarawak Energy is committed to carrying out its business responsibly with the community at heart, aimed at improving their socio-economic wellbeing. -Bernama