SPG has no interest to exploit Petros



KUCHING: Suarah Petroleum Group (SPG) President Hamim Yusuf wishes to clarify that they are not attempting to take full advantage of the formation of Petros as reported in Sarawak Report.

The article published by Sarawak Report on July 20 titled “Taib’s Secret Interest in Sarawak Petros Venture! Exclusive” has mentioned SPG and was put in a negative way.

“We wish to clarify that SPG indeed is a group of oil industry professionals and not some shady anonymous group attempting to take full advantage of the formation of Petros,” stated Hamim in a press statement yesterday.

He added SPG is certainly not ‘promoters’ or is working in collusion with anyone, as what reported by Sarawak Report.

“We are not connected to any political party, being manipulated or orchestrated by anyone,” he stressed.

According to him, SPG is an independent non-profit non-governmental organisation (NGO) registered under the Malaysian Companies Act.

The particulars of the Board of Directors and members are available for public inspection at the Malaysian Companies Commission Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SuarahPetroleumGroup/ and its official webpage athttp://spg.org.my/.

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“We have never attempt to hide who we are or what we stand for, that is, the return of 100 percent of Sarawak’s petroleum resources for the full benefit of future generations,” he pointed out.

He said SPG is against any attempt by any person/persons, whether Malayan or Sarawakian, to hijack Sarawak’s petroleum resources for their own personal or parochial interests or benefit.

“There can be absolutely no question of SPG supporting any such moves or having a hand in such intrigues. It is therefore entirely mischievous and misleading of Sarawak Report to suggest so and to portray SPG’s efforts in such a negative light,” he said.

Whilst SPG is against any attempts by certain quarters to monopolise Sarawak’s O&G business, SPG support the efforts of the state government and Petros for greater and more meaningful participation in the O&G business by bonafide Sarawakians and not rent seekers.

“SPG also supports all efforts by Sarawakians from all walks of life and any Sarawakian organisations who are fighting to regain our O&G ownership and rights,” he said.

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He emphasised SPG’s view is and has always been that the federal government (past or present) has no right to bargain with Sarawak over its own petroleum resources to which Sarawak are 100 percent entitled.

“The 20 percent royalty or share of profits is misleading and will ensure that the current economic imbalance between Malaya and Sarawak and Sabah will never be redressed. There is no equity or justice in such an ‘offer’,” he stated.

Previously, SPG has suggested a solution whereby the respective regions of Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah should have majority control over each of their own Petronas entities.

Hamim said it was a win-win solution for all parties in the national interest as it will ensure the long-term survival and further growth of Petronas as well as the aspirations of Sarawak and Sabah for greater say in and equitable benefit from the development of their own petroleum resources.

“This solution is more than fair and should be seriously considered by the state and federal governments in the interests of the nation,” he stressed.

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