The hidden power of our senses



The world needs all types of minds, and sensory experiences are the windows through which we explore, learn, and contribute our unique perspectives.

Temple Grandin (1947-Present); a distinguished American academic and ethologist renowned for her advocacy of humane treatment of livestock intended for slaughter, she has authored over 60 scientific papers on animal behaviour. Grandin serves as a consultant to the livestock industry, providing expert guidance on animal behaviour, and is recognised as a spokesperson for autism.

DEAR readers, we often hear about physical health and mental well-being, but have you ever considered how vital our senses are to our overall health? Yes, sensory health can be abstract, but it essentially revolves around how our five senses — sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch — function and how they impact our lives. This week, we will explore what sensory health is, understand life stages, and share practical tips on maintaining optimal sensory functioning throughout our lives.

What is Sensory Health? Sensory health refers to the optimal functioning of our senses and how those senses connect to our experiences, environments, foods, things, and even the people we interact with.

Think of it as the foundation upon which we build our experiences. A healthy sense of smell allows us to enjoy the aroma of our favourite meals, while sharp vision helps us appreciate the beauty of the world around us. When our senses are impaired, it can detract from our quality of life, lead to feelings of isolation, and diminish our enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures.

Let’s be real … Have you ever tasted a dish that was bland and lifeless? Or walked into a room and sensed something was off, even before you could see or hear it? That’s your sensory system at work! Each sense feeds into our perception of reality and plays a crucial role in how we relate to the world and each other.

I am sure you will agree that life is a beautiful tapestry woven from various stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age — all gifts from God. Each stage presents unique challenges and opportunities. Think of it as an ever-evolving journey. As we move from one stage to another, our sensory systems change too. For example, infants rely heavily on touch and taste as they explore the world with their mouths and tiny hands. Children are naturally drawn to colours and sounds, while teenagers might become more tuned into social cues and emotional expressions. As adults, our senses might dull a bit due to age, stress, or health conditions, but with mindfulness, we can maintain those sensory connections.

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These life stages impact how we interact with our surroundings and engage with others. The way we perceive the world through our senses shapes our experiences in profound ways. By understanding how sensory health varies with age, we can foster environments that support optimal functioning.

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s dig into the teenage years — a whirlwind of discovery, excitement, and sometimes chaos. Our senses are at their height during this phase—think of the thrill of first concerts, the aroma of favourite meals, or the feel of a warm sun.

First up, protect our hearing. With earbuds blasting our favourite music, it’s easy to forget that loud sounds can damage your hearing over time. Consider investing in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones to help you enjoy your tunes without cranking the volume to eleven.

Next, engage our taste buds! Experiment with different cuisines, and let each meal journey introduce us to new flavours, textures, and aromas. We could even try cooking classes or food festivals for a fun way to spice up our culinary senses.

Lastly, give our eyes a break. Whether we are on TikTok or studying for exams, those screens can be taxing. The 20-20-20 rule is a great practice: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Our eyesight will thank you!

As we transition into adulthood, life can feel like a whirlwind of responsibilities. Between work, relationships, and maybe even family, sensory health might take a backseat. But don’t let it! This is the time to cultivate stronger connections with your senses and enhance your day-to-day life. Also, don’t underestimate the importance of social interactions. The laughter of friends or the warmth of a hug can stimulate your senses and reduce stress. Find opportunities to connect — join a local social club, attend events, or chat with a neighbour. Our sensory health benefits from human connection more than we know!

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And… we shall touch on ageing. Ageing is a beautiful process, but along with wisdom, it often brings changes in sensory function. Things might not taste or smell as vibrant as before, and sounds can sometimes fade into a distant echo. But fear not, there are ways to embrace this new chapter while cherishing our sensory experiences. Diet plays a significant role in maintaining taste and smell. Food rich in zinc and antioxidants, like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, can help keep our taste buds sharp. Don’t avoid experimenting with spices, which can add flavour and excitement to meals. As for our hearing, regular check-ups are essential. Hearing aids can enhance our auditory experiences, allowing us to enjoy conversations and the world more fully. Lastly, keep our brains active! Puzzles, reading, Scrabble, and learning new skills can help maintain cognitive function, which in turn can positively affect our overall sensory perception. Try a new hobby like painting or knitting. Not only will we engage our senses, but we’ll also create something unique in the process, even when we’re ageing.

Why is sensory health so essential? First and foremost, it is a core component of our well-being. When our senses are sharp, we feel more engaged and present in our daily experiences. When we maintain sensory health, we enhance our experiences. We also allow ourselves to engage fully in life’s moments.

So, how can we maintain our sensory health through various life stages?

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Stay engaged! Use it or lose it! It is like any other muscle in our body; our senses thrive on regular use.

Engage them daily by trying new foods, listening to various music or podcasts, going for walks in different environments, and even playing sensory games with friends or family. Do consider sensory-deprivation techniques like meditation or mindfulness that can heighten awareness of our senses. Eat healthily; have a balanced diet! That which is rich in nutrients supports not just physical health but sensory health, too. Protecting our senses is as crucial as nurturing them. Wear ear protection in loud environments, use sunglasses on sunny days, and avoid exposing your eyes and ears to screens and sounds for prolonged periods. Stay curious and adventurous; embrace new experiences. Surround ourselves with vibrant stimuli to sharpen our senses and encourage us to live in the moment.

As we conclude our exploration of “The Senses of Living: Nurturing Sensory Health Across Life Stages”, I hope you have gained a deeper appreciation of the vibrant tapestry that our senses weave throughout our lives. Embracing and nurturing our sensory experiences enriches not only our well-being but also strengthens the connections we share with the world and with one another.

Let us carry forward the wisdom of valuing our senses, celebrating the small things, and finding joy in being present. As we journey through life’s stages, may we remain open to the wonders they reveal and the lessons they teach us.

Join me next week as we embark on a flavourful adventure with “The Spice of Life: Exploring Diverse Flavours”. Together, we will dive into tastes and uncover how they tantalise our palates and enrich our culinary experiences. Until then, may your senses lead you to discoveries and more moments of joy.

The views expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Sarawak Tribune.

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