By Maya Green
O Sojourner, along life’s path remember these truths:
Life is the bridge — the long narrow bridge
And raging streams, high mountains and major obstacles, all makes the Path,
Faith is the calm — in the face of the tempests and the storms
And Hope is the inner peace when all seems lost,
Riches are a greater test, your wants a faithful teacher,
Life’s near misses — is a reminder of the fragility of it all
And illnesses and hardships are messages, nudges, and sure signposts
Empty your Hope — of all deeds
Instead, fill your cup to overflowing with Grace
For in Grace Alone, is the Redemption
Turn your face from the outer — to the Within
Diving deep to the inner pool
For you are your calm
You are your storm
If you are not Alive in the Now — you may be already dead
So do not regret the past, neither covet the future
Just savour the present, living the moment that you already have
Beware of the Ego — it’s a stubborn veil
The Ego is a denier of the Truth, and of the ultimate Reality
It is the shadow that sticks to you in the bright sunlight, a constant distraction of dichotomy
Live the Essence, though it may look like a heavy sacrifice to do so
Understand that the Truth may be unpleasant,
But accepting it will set you Free
Remember that when Hearts are needed — brains won’t help
Loving is the balm to all ills, the energy that moves the universe
Love is the Mirror to Divine Beauty
Being in tuned with Nature’s vibes and the flow of things — is a wisdom forgotten
So take time to walk in the forest, feel the pebbles in the streams
Smell the subtlety in the rose bud
Again I say — Life is the narrow bridge in the Now
The future is, but a metaphor
So take heed and do not fall off
For the crossing is now
And the penalty is severe — feeling like a raging lake of fire