Wishesland Miri seek public donations

Renovation works for Wishesland Miri operation centres located at Piasau Camp will commence once sufficient funds have been secured.


MIRI: Wishesland Miri is seeking for donations from the public to renovate its operations centre.

The non-profit organisation was founded on December 21 last year and registered with Registrar of Society (ROS) by a group of parents and volunteers to give hope to children with cerebral palsy (CP), as well as to their families.

As at July 11 this year, they have 32 members of which 22 are children with CP.

“CP is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture and is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain that affects a person’s ability to control his or her muscles.

“It takes many forms. Some aren’t that affected so it isn’t that obvious that they have CP. Others may be clumsy or they may have difficulty with their hands or with muscles involved in speech.

“Some are even unable to stand or sit; thus, they can do little for themselves,” said the president of Wishesland Kuching cum advisor of Wishesland Miri, Chi Poh Yung.

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He said Wishesland Miri has carried out virtual events via Zoom on treatment and rehabilitation programmes and will and trust talks by a professional estate planner to create awareness among parents on how to ensure their special children were well taken off after they passed on.

Chi also highlighted that various programmes have been lined up at Wishesland Miri such as early intervention programmes, physiotherapy, massages, speech therapy, occupational therapy and many more.

“Therefore, we are urgently in need of funds to renovate our operations centre as well as for our staffing, administration works, therapists, rehabilitation equipment, and Wishes Garden,” Chi said.

He also thanked the state government for granting them Piasau Camp as its operations centre.  

“It is our hope that Wishesland Miri would eventually be a one-stop centre for all children with CP and for adults to get information on CP, as well as on registering with the Social Welfare Department, assessments and treatments, and job opportunities,” he said.

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Wishesland Miri president Eunice Ho said that currently, they are working with all parties to renovate the Piasau Camp operations centre so that it could be operational latest by November 1 this year.

The estimated starting fund and renovation cost of the Piasau Camp operations centre is between RM250,000 to RM300,000.

Hence, in order to ensure the renovation works could be commenced as planned, Ho has appealed to the public, organisations and private corporations for their financial support or any other contributions.

For cheques, they should be crossed and made payable to “Wishesland Miri”. 

Cash donations can be made to their Maybank account at 561015122562.

For further information, please call Ho at 016-8989475 or Katherine Chai at 013-8118779.

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